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Young Alumni drinks and party
Young Alumni drinks and party
  • On Friday June 14th we will organize a young alumni activity, an evening with drinks to talk and catch up with (former) study friends, while enjoying a snack and a drink. The bar will open at 17:00. In the evening we will make pasta alla ruota together.

    After the drinks there will be a young alumni party in de Hut van Ome Henne! The doors will be open from around 23:00. In total it will cost a maximum of €17,-.

  • You can enlist until: 09-09-2024 at 13:00

Sailing week Sailors
Do you want to steer a sailing boat?
  • Ahoy Sailors!

    The annual sailing week will take place again this summer! This is the perfect opportunity to spend a week sailing with your friends, enjoying the wind in your sails, and making waves in Friesland together. However, this week cannot take place without the help of experienced sailors. Therefore, we are looking for people with sailing experience who want to be boatmen during the sailing week.

  • Registration is closed

Sailing Week Participants
Come join your fellow Fleschers on a sail boat!
  • The annual sailing week is just around the corner! From August 26th to August 30th, De Leidsche Flesch will be taking to the waters in Friesland for a week of sailing. Whether you are an experienced sailor or have never sailed before, this week offers everyone the opportunity to relax, chill out, and enjoy sailing on the Frisian lakes!

    Hurry up, as there are only 19 spots available! If you are an experienced sailor and interested in becoming a boatman, let the committee know. You might get priority on the registration list!

    Sign up quickly and secure your spot for this unforgettable adventure called Sailing Week!

  • You can enlist until: 30-07-2024 at 23:59

First Years' Weekend - mentors and crew
Join us for another banger of a weekend in Someren
  • Hear ye, hear ye, the signup list for the first years weekend for mentors and crew is open! Join us between September 20th until 22nd for another banger of a weekend in Someren. As mentor, you will guide a group of first years with your duomentor. Your job is to make them feel comfortable to be themselves. As a crew member, you will spend the majority of the time having fun with other higher years. Besides that, you have been chosen to support the committee and mentors with activities and more. Perhaps you have never been to a first years weekend, but no worries, that absolutely is not a requirement! For a maximum of 45 euros we will provide you with a place to sleep, dinner, activities, a good time and more.

    Please note: If you sign up, it is not guaranteed that you will be able to join. You will be notified of this at a later date. The deregistration deadline is Sunday, August 25th.

  • You can enlist until: 31-07-2024 at 23:59

First Years' Weekend
Get to know your fellow students and the Flesch!
  • Dear first-year,

    The new academic year is starting, and what better way to get to know your fellow students than during our First Years Weekend from September 20 to 22! This year, we are taking you on a magical journey to the Smurf Village.

    During this weekend full of adventure and fun, we will immerse ourselves in the world of the Smurfs. Expect exciting group activities, a campfire night, and of course, legendary Smurf-themed parties! Meet your future classmates, make new friends, and start the year with energy and enthusiasm.

    Be quick, as places are limited! For updates, more information, and a behind-the-scenes look, follow us on Instagram: @ejw_deleidscheflesch. Don't miss any smurftastic updates!

    With smurfy regards,

    The First Years Weekend Committee

  • You can enlist until: 07-09-2024 at 23:59

De Leidsche Flesch vereeuwigd
Verkoop van het eeuwboek van De Leidsche Flesch
  • PLEASE NOTE: This book is only available in Dutch. Please only buy it if you wish to practice your Dutch. Below a short description about the book.

    De Leidsche Flesch vereeuwigd is the century-book, written by the Historical Committee. It contains over 300 pages of history about the association, from the early days until recent history. It also contains interviews with 20 alumni and members of honour, telling stories about their time with the association. The book costs 7 euros for members and alumni. If you are alumnus, but are unable to log in on the website, please contact the board at The board will then help you log in.

  • You can enlist until: 25-04-2123 at 23:59