Former boards
De Leidsche Flesch was founded in 1923. Since that time, there have been many different boards.
Here you can find an overview of the boards of the past few years. We intend to add to this page with pictures and names of all the past boards. If you have any information that is not yet on this page, please let us know via
5 september 2023 - 4 september 2024
The members of the 101st board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Elementair':
- Renske van Gulijk, praeses
- Florian Velten, ab-actis
- Myrdhin van der Zwet, quaestor
- Annabelle Geluk, assessor onderwijs en vice-praeses
- Nadine Potters, assessor extern
- Revenna Paaij, assessor intern
- Bram Bouma, assessor ICT
f.l.t.r.f.t.t.b.: Bram, Annabelle, Myrdhin, Florian, Revenna, Renske, Nadine
6 september 2022 - 5 september 2023
The members of the 100th board of De Leidsche Flesch 'Rebelsch':
- Jochem Kaal, president
- Jaap Laging, secretary and system administrator
- Derk Schelvis, treasurer
- Anastacia Peters, commissioner of education and vice president
- Gabriel Bisti, commissioner of external affairs
- Anna Sofie Krämer, commissioner of internal affairs